65% Working Population of India Reached By 2020

65% Working Population of India Reached By 2020 ;

Do you know 65% working population reached by 2020 due to youngster leading India and same situation happened earlier in these countries as below manner.


1- Japan
2- Germany
3- USA
4-China etc.
Above these are developed nations after successfully passed above these countries so now same chance for India for upgrade.


Now India has more than 50 percent of its population below the age of 25 ages and more than 65 percent below the age of 35. It is expected that, in 2020, the average age of an Indian will be 29 years, compared to 37 for China and 48 for Japan, and, by 2030, India's dependency ratio should be just over 0.4 only so more Indians need jobs that is skilled jobs so if present government of India can provide sound environment for these 65% youth of India then India can lead world economy not only but also can become developed country of ASIA.

 Picture -3 
 Above picture 3rd show that if population increasing of world then investment also increasing in particular demography or area.

Upgrade Your Skills By 2020;

Q.1 What are you doing to upgrade your skills and how are you doing it ???
Ans.- Learn perfect skill whatever particular business skill present you know after then you can earn from it finally.


Above picture show of Africa 2050; Demographic truth and consequences (by Hoover Institution)

Q.2- How are you upgrading yourself ???
Ans.- Improve particular business skill e.g- Communication,excavating,co-ordination,team work,behavior ,motivation leader,skill coach,sport skills as well as tourism business skill-Adventure etc., music-International,Regional,National-national languages,management,HRM,Legal-Civil,Criminal,Notary, finance,marketing,sales,WellNess Industry Skills,Learn-Part Time or Full Time Trainingskills for local-national-International business, Environment sector,IT's Industry,Virtual Industry,Robotic Industry,any skill of all sectors, any trade skill of ITI ( Industrial training Institute) of India,you can learn ITS's skills free from any masters after some three month under training or practice under local skill master of these industrial nations.

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