actions before during & after pandemic

Actions before during & after pandemic  ;
In the world any pandemic situations every nations should be ready for take action before , against ,after pandemic situation because it is a essential decisions for public, business as well security so some these are some essentials decisions which can be more beneficial for public, business as well security also.
1-      Country Security ;
Country security  is a very important for every citizen of the country because if during pandemic, epidemic, emergency ( different from pandemic, epidemic ) etc.  any country can maintain right of citizen then country can protect the every citizen of the country. In this pandemic situation war room of the any country of world should be 24hr ready as well as medical back up services also ready apart it intelligence unit also ready 24 hr and continue information should be reach at war room, IB, home ministry of the country.

2-      Public;
Public is a very important factor to retain any country  name identity & if public living in any small & big country or under developing country, developing country, developed country then only that country called by any name India, USA, China, Russia, Britain etc.
3-      Business ;
Business is a very essential part of a any homestead, communism country, democratic country etc. of world so if any above example of nations need some different type of new, old business, startups in the epidemic, pandemic situations in above these nations. All above these activities maintain with social distancing .

1-      Traditional Business;
In the pandemic, epidemic situations traditional businesses should be maintain like agriculture, LPG gas, medicines, emergency transport like air, rail, ship, logistic services, medical emergencies, emergency food services for army, public, all govt. services, emergency food item production under special condition should not be stop during pandemic, epidemic situation so it can be vary according every country priority bases. All activities maintain with social distancing .
2-      Modern Business;
In 21st century some modern business had started by talented business men like media printing services, entertainment services, internet, robot services, emergency product manufacturing, supply services, virtual meeting and physical meeting more than a two person should start according special condition only because epidemic, pandemic situation can be generated by virus or other diseases also so it can be vary according pandemic situations, information technologies services should be start according priority bases, telephone services like local, national, international according priority bases, medicine production on priority bases, logistic services should be ready on priority bases, forest care etc. so now days lot many other services those who we don’t know that can apply in coming days on priority bases as well as all above these activities maintain with social distancing.

3-      Startups ;
In 21st century demand of startups are increasing due to increasing literacy in all continents of earth so now all countries govt. try to make maximum organize sector and new sector different from it because it at least 1000 job holder worker with salary slip, all statuary deduction should be mention over it for declare new organized sector .Now every youth wish to make new startup in any industry or  new industry like space technologies, Robotic technologies, virtual latest technologies, organic farming startups, contract farming startups, advisory firm like management,economic,financial, etc. these above startups need social distancing under pandemic, epidemic situation.
Above all some suggestions are beneficial for special pandemic & epidemic situation of any country of world priority bases.
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